Birdie’s Cradle

2008-06-30 12:27:54


导读:In the tall boughs on the tree top, There's a nest snug and warm, In it lies a little birdie, Safe in sunshine and in storm. And the wind blows through the branches, Rocks the cradle to and fro, Happy birdie,chirping,chirping, Racking safely to and fro. 中文意思: 在树的顶端高高的大树枝中, 有一个温暖的鸟巢, 在它里面躺着一只小鸟, 在阳光下和暴风雨中都很安全。 风吹过枝干, 把摇篮来回摇晃。 快乐的小鸟,嚓嚓叫,嚓嚓叫, 安全地来回摇晃

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